The seminar's members, representing the full range of academic disciplines that bear upon the study of Japan and including Japan specialists from government, business, and the nonprofit sectors, meet regularly to discuss scholarly papers on all aspects of modern Japan, from history, literature, art, and the performing arts to politics, economics, social issues, and the US-Japan bilateral relationship.

Seminar: #445

Founded: 1960

Jan 18, 2008

January 18, 2008
Yasuko Morooka (NYU)
Bilingual education for foreign and minority children in Japan and the

United States and its role for eliminating racial discrimination

In her paper, Yasuko Morooka explores a way to

provide adequate bilingual education for foreign

and minority students in Japan and theUnited

States that would meet the stipulations in

international humanrights conventions,

such as the 1965 International Convention

ofElimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Discussants: Noriko Watanabe (Baruch College), Haengja Chung (Hamilton College)